

Resume: 1951 born NYC 1973 graduated Brown University BA Biology 1974- 1980 Worked family garment business NYC 1985 Graduated New York Medical College MD 1988-2018 Worked as insurance medical examiner NYC 1990 Studied portrait painting and sculpture(Nathaniel Kaz) Art Students League 1997 Show at Tenafly (NJ) JCC Xerox distortions 1998 Solo show Westbeth Gallery(NY NY) tape sculpture and painting 2002 Show at Haworth Gallery(NJ) lenticular paintings 2008 Show at Piermont Gallery(NY) Garden paintings 2018 Studied portrait painting (Amy Robinson)Old Church School, Demarest NJ gallery show 2019 ongoing lattice paintings shown on instagram. (henry scottfarah_art) The lattice paintings are made by combining 2 or more unrelated jigsawed and painted elements.